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Active Ingredient (Generic Name): ROXYTHROMYCIN 150MG


Manufacturer: Signature

Packaging: 10 Pills in 1 strip

Delivery Time: 6 To 21 days



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    R-Throxy 150 Tab is a medication that contains olanzapine as its active ingredient. It belongs to a class of drugs known as atypical antipsychotics. R-Throxy 150 Tab is available in tablet form and is prescribed for the treatment of various mental health conditions.


    R-Throxy 150 Tab is primarily indicated for the management of schizophrenia, a chronic mental disorder characterized by distorted thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It is also used in the treatment of bipolar disorder, a mood disorder marked by episodes of mania and depression.


    Olanzapine, the active component of R-Throxy 150 Tab, acts by modulating the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine and serotonin. By blocking specific receptors, it helps to restore the balance of these neurotransmitters, which can alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.


    The dosage of R-Throxy 150 Tab may vary depending on the individual’s condition, response to treatment, and other factors. It is crucial to follow the dosage instructions provided by your doctor. The medication is typically taken orally, with or without food. Do not exceed the prescribed dosage without consulting your healthcare provider.

    Taking R-Throxy 150 Tab as per Doctor’s Advice

    To ensure the effectiveness and safety of R-Throxy 150 Tab, it is important to take the medication exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Follow the recommended dosage, frequency, and duration of treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about the medication, consult your healthcare provider.

    Interactions with Other Medications

    Inform your doctor about all the medications, supplements, or herbal products you are taking before starting R-Throxy 150 Tab. Certain drugs may interact with olanzapine and alter its effectiveness or increase the risk of side effects. Your doctor can guide you on potential drug interactions and adjust your treatment plan accordingly.


    R-Throxy 150 Tab is contraindicated in individuals who have a known hypersensitivity or allergy to olanzapine or any other components of the medication. If you experience an allergic reaction such as rash, itching, or swelling, seek immediate medical attention. It is important to disclose any known allergies to your doctor before starting the treatment.

    Side Effects

    Like any medication, R-Throxy 150 Tab may cause certain side effects. Common side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, weight gain, increased appetite, dry mouth, constipation, and changes in vision. Contact your healthcare provider if these side effects persist or worsen. Additionally, inform your doctor immediately if you experience any serious side effects such as difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, or severe dizziness.

    Pregnancy and Lactation Considerations

    If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, discuss the potential risks and benefits of R-Throxy 150 Tab with your healthcare provider. The use of this medication during pregnancy or lactation should be carefully evaluated, taking into account the specific circumstances and the well-being of both the mother and the baby.

    Precautions and Warnings

    Before starting R-Throxy 150 Tab, inform your healthcare provider about any pre-existing medical conditions, such as liver or kidney problems, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, or seizures. Certain precautions may be necessary to ensure the safe and effective use of the medication. Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels, weight, and lipid levels may be recommended during treatment.

    Use in Special Populations

    R-Throxy 150 Tab should be used with caution in elderly patients, as they may be more susceptible to certain side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, and orthostatic hypotension. Pediatric use of R-Throxy 150 Tab is not recommended, as the safety and efficacy in children and adolescents have not been established.

    In conclusion, R-Throxy 150 Tab is a medication containing olanzapine that is prescribed for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It works by modulating neurotransmitters in the brain to alleviate symptoms. It is important to follow the prescribed dosage, take the medication as per your doctor’s advice, and be aware of potential interactions, contraindications, side effects, and considerations for pregnancy, lactation, and special populations.


    1. How long does it take for R-Throxy 150 Tab to start working? The onset of action of R-Throxy 150 Tab can vary among individuals. Some people may start experiencing improvements in their symptoms within a few days to a few weeks. However, it is important to continue taking the medication as prescribed, even if you do not notice immediate effects, as it may take time to achieve the full therapeutic benefits.
    2. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab be taken with other psychiatric medications? R-Throxy 150 Tab may be prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes other psychiatric medications. However, it is essential to inform your healthcare provider about all the medications you are taking to avoid potential interactions and ensure their safe and effective use.
    3. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab be taken during the day or at night? The timing of R-Throxy 150 Tab administration can vary depending on individual factors and preferences. Your doctor will provide specific instructions on when to take the medication. Some people may find it more suitable to take it during the day, while others may prefer taking it at night. Follow your doctor’s advice for optimal results.
    4. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab be crushed or split? R-Throxy 150 Tab should be taken whole, without crushing or splitting the tablet, unless otherwise directed by your healthcare provider. Altering the tablet can affect its efficacy and may lead to inconsistent dosing.
    5. What should I do if I forget to take a dose of R-Throxy 150 Tab? If you miss a dose of R-Throxy 150 Tab, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is close to the time for your next scheduled dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular dosing schedule. Do not double the dose to make up for a missed one.
    6. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab be taken with food? R-Throxy 150 Tab can be taken with or without food. However, if you experience stomach upset, your doctor may recommend taking it with a meal to minimize gastrointestinal discomfort.
    7. What should I do if I experience side effects from R-Throxy 150 Tab? If you experience any bothersome or concerning side effects while taking R-Throxy 150 Tab, it is important to contact your healthcare provider. They can assess your symptoms, provide guidance, and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.
    8. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab cause weight gain? Weight gain is a potential side effect of R-Throxy 150 Tab. If you notice significant weight changes while taking this medication, discuss it with your doctor. They can provide guidance on managing weight and suggest lifestyle modifications if necessary.
    9. Are there any specific monitoring requirements while taking R-Throxy 150 Tab? Your healthcare provider may recommend periodic monitoring while you are on R-Throxy 150 Tab. This may include regular check-ups, blood tests, or other assessments to evaluate the medication’s effectiveness and monitor any potential side effects.
    10. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab be used during pregnancy? The use of R-Throxy 150 Tab during pregnancy should be discussed with a healthcare professional. The potential risks and benefits need to be carefully evaluated, taking into account the specific circumstances and the well-being of both the mother and the baby.
    11. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab be used during breastfeeding? R-Throxy 150 Tab may pass into breast milk, and its use during breastfeeding should be discussed with a healthcare provider. They can provide guidance on the potential risks and benefits and help you make an informed decision.
    12. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab be used in older adults? R-Throxy 150 Tab can be used in older adults, but caution should be exercised. Elderly individuals may be more susceptible to certain side effects, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and orthostatic hypotension. Your doctor may need to adjust the dosage or closely monitor your response to the medication.
    13. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab be used in children and adolescents? R-Throxy 150 Tab is not typically recommended for use in children and adolescents. The safety and efficacy of this medication in this population may vary. Consult a pediatric psychiatrist or healthcare professional for appropriate treatment options for children and adolescents.
    14. Is R-Throxy 150 Tab addictive? R-Throxy 150 Tab is not considered addictive. It does not cause physical dependence or cravings typically associated with addictive substances. However, it is essential to follow your doctor’s instructions and not abruptly stop the medication without medical guidance.
    15. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab be used for conditions other than schizophrenia and bipolar disorder? R-Throxy 150 Tab is primarily indicated for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Its use for other conditions should be discussed with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriateness and potential benefits.
    16. What should I do if I accidentally take more than the prescribed dosage of R-Throxy 150 Tab? If you accidentally take more than the prescribed dosage of R-Throxy 150 Tab, seek immediate medical attention or contact a poison control center. Overdosing on this medication can lead to serious health consequences.
    17. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab interact with other medications? R-Throxy 150 Tab can interact with certain medications, including other psychiatric drugs, antibiotics, antifungal agents, and certain heart medications. Inform your healthcare provider about all the medications you are taking to avoid potential drug interactions.
    18. Is it safe to drive or operate machinery while taking R-Throxy 150 Tab? R-Throxy 150 Tab may cause drowsiness, dizziness, or other side effects that can impair your ability to drive or operate machinery. It is important to assess your individual response to the medication and exercise caution. Follow your doctor’s advice regarding activities that require alertness.
    19. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab be used in children and adolescents? R-Throxy 150 Tab is not typically recommended for use in children and adolescents. The safety and efficacy of this medication in this population may vary. Consult a pediatric psychiatrist or healthcare professional for appropriate treatment options for children and adolescents.
    20. How long should I continue taking R-Throxy 150 Tab? The duration of R-Throxy 150 Tab treatment will be determined by your doctor based on your specific condition. It is important to continue taking the medication as prescribed, even if you start feeling better, to maintain the therapeutic benefits. Do not stop taking R-Throxy 150 Tab without consulting your doctor.
    21. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab be used with alcohol? It is generally advisable to avoid consuming alcohol while taking R-Throxy 150 Tab. Alcohol can enhance the sedative effects of the medication and increase the risk of drowsiness, dizziness, and impaired judgment.
    22. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab cause sexual side effects? Sexual side effects, such as decreased libido or difficulty achieving orgasm, may occur with the use of R-Throxy 150 Tab. If you experience these side effects, discuss them with your doctor. They can provide guidance on managing these symptoms or adjusting your treatment plan.
    23. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab be used for the treatment of dementia-related psychosis? R-Throxy 150 Tab is not approved for the treatment of dementia-related psychosis. It may increase the risk of stroke or death in elderly patients with dementia-related conditions. Consult a healthcare professional for appropriate treatment options in these cases.
    24. Does R-Throxy 150 Tab require regular blood tests? In some cases, your healthcare provider may recommend periodic blood tests to monitor your overall health, check liver function, or assess any potential metabolic changes associated with R-Throxy 150 Tab use. Follow your doctor’s guidance regarding the need for regular blood tests.
    25. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab cause sleep disturbances? R-Throxy 150 Tab can affect sleep patterns in some individuals. It may cause drowsiness or, conversely, contribute to insomnia. If you experience sleep disturbances, discuss them with your doctor for appropriate management strategies.
    26. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab be used for the treatment of depression? R-Throxy 150 Tab is not typically prescribed as a first-line treatment for depression. However, it may be used in combination with other medications in certain cases of treatment-resistant depression. Consult your doctor for suitable treatment options for depression.
    27. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab be taken with herbal supplements? It is important to inform your healthcare provider about all the herbal supplements or alternative therapies you are using. Some herbal supplements can interact with R-Throxy 150 Tab and affect its efficacy or increase the risk of side effects. Your doctor can provide guidance on the safe use of herbal supplements.
    28. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab cause withdrawal symptoms? Abruptly discontinuing R-Throxy 150 Tab may result in withdrawal symptoms. If you and your doctor decide to stop the medication, a gradual tapering schedule will be recommended to minimize the risk of withdrawal effects. Follow your doctor’s instructions for discontinuing R-Throxy 150 Tab.
    29. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab affect fertility? There is limited information available regarding the impact of R-Throxy 150 Tab on fertility. If you have concerns about fertility while taking this medication, discuss them with your healthcare provider. They can provide personalized information based on your specific circumstances.
    30. Can R-Throxy 150 Tab be used in patients with liver or kidney problems? Patients with liver or kidney problems may require dosage adjustments or closer monitoring while taking R-Throxy 150 Tab. Inform your healthcare provider about your medical history, including any liver or kidney conditions, to ensure safe and appropriate use of the medication.


    R-Throxy 150 Tab is a medication containing olanzapine that is primarily used for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It acts by modulating neurotransmitters in the brain to alleviate symptoms associated with these conditions. It is crucial to take R-Throxy 150 Tab as per the doctor’s advice, following the prescribed dosage, and being aware of potential interactions, side effects, and precautions. Additionally, considerations should be made for specific populations such as pregnant or breastfeeding individuals, older adults, and children. Regular communication with your healthcare provider is essential to ensure the safe and effective use of R-Throxy 150 Tab.

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